Category Archives: Health News

Five Foods to Boost Kidney Health and Enhance Vitality for Men

Kidney health is crucial for overall well-being and sexual vitality. In traditional medicine, especially in Chinese culture, strong kidneys are believed to support sexual health and energy levels. Incorporating certain foods into the diet can help strengthen the kidneys and enhance vitality. Here are five foods that are particularly beneficial for men looking to improve […]

The Dangers of Premature Ejaculation Are Significant, But 3 Methods Can Prevent It

Premature ejaculation (PE) is more than just a minor inconvenience; it can have serious implications for a man’s mental, emotional, and relational well-being. The good news is that PE can often be prevented or managed with the right strategies. Here are three effective methods to help prevent premature ejaculation.     German Black Ant 德国黑蚂蚁 […]

Premature Ejaculation Is Not Equivalent to Infertility, But It Should Be Treated Promptly

Premature ejaculation (PE) and infertility are often mistakenly linked, but they are two distinct conditions. While PE can impact sexual satisfaction and relationships, it does not directly cause infertility. However, it is crucial to treat premature ejaculation in a timely manner to avoid potential complications and improve overall well-being.     Extra super p-force 蓝P超级普丽吉必利吉战士双效片 […]

Why Premature Ejaculation “Favors” Younger Men

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common sexual issue that can affect men of all ages, but it often seems to disproportionately impact younger individuals. This phenomenon raises questions about why PE appears to “favor” younger men over their older counterparts. Exploring the reasons behind this trend can provide valuable insights into the nature of premature […]

The Importance of Accurate Diagnosis in Premature Ejaculation Treatment

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a prevalent sexual dysfunction that can significantly impact a man’s quality of life and intimate relationships. Effective treatment of PE begins with a thorough understanding and accurate diagnosis of the condition. Here’s why it’s crucial to differentiate between various presentations of PE when developing treatment strategies.     Cialis 20mg film-coated […]

Symptoms and Treatment Methods for Ejaculatory Disorders

Ejaculatory disorders encompass a range of conditions that affect the process of ejaculation, leading to difficulties in achieving or controlling ejaculation. These disorders can significantly impact sexual satisfaction and quality of life. In this article, we’ll explore the symptoms and treatment methods for ejaculatory disorders. Symptoms of Ejaculatory Disorders: Premature Ejaculation (PE): PE is characterized […]

Understanding the Causes of Premature Ejaculation in Young Men

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common sexual concern among men, including those in their youth. While it can be distressing, understanding the potential causes of premature ejaculation is crucial for effective management and treatment. In this article, we’ll explore several factors that can contribute to premature ejaculation in young men. Psychological Factors: Psychological issues such […]


必利劲的药效总体来说是值得信赖的,但患者也必须符合适应症才行。临床上,必利劲适用于原发性的病理性早泄患者。 具体适应症包括: 1.在阴茎插入阴道前、当中或插入后不久,或患者在还未获性满足前,很小的性刺激便造成持续或反复的射精的; 2.患者因长期早泄而引起的心情苦恼、人际交往障碍等; 3.患者射精很难进行控制的。 poxet-60 Priligy Singapore Drugstore Genuine 必利劲新加坡代理正品 必利劲的延时效果,一般在5分钟以上。少数患者可达到半小时左右。应该来说是相当不错的。患者一般在服用一个多小时之后见效,24小时之后药物成分排出体外。空腹服用会药效更为明显。不过,也有的患者初次服用可能效果不明显,但通常只要服用三四次,都会有较为明显的药效。 必利劲初期服用的剂量一般在30mg。若效果不明显,可在保证用药安全的前提下将剂量增加到60mg。必利劲服用后,少数患者可能产生恶心、腹泻、头痛、眩晕等不良反应。为了能让药效的到充分发挥,患者在服用期间要做到心情淡定,不要过度劳累,保证睡眠时间。有手淫习惯的必须尽快戒除,否则对药效的发挥是不利的。

How men get urinary tract infections

What are the clinical symptoms of a male urinary tract infectionUrinary tract infection is a common urinary system disease caused by pathogenic bacteria invading the urinary system . Due to various reasons, the number of urinary tract infections in men has increased in recent years. Because of face, men are very taboo to go to the hospital for treatment, often delaying the timing of […]