These kinds of food can make men infertile

 1. Men beware of these 5 foods that make you infertile   fatty meat It might be masculine to munch on meat, but the opposite is true. Red meat (beef, bacon, sausage, lunch meat) keeps you from being strong. Saturated fat and cholesterol narrow the blood vessels , including the blood vessels that transport blood to the sexual area, and the congestion […]


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Tadalafil, the active ingredient in the medication Cialis®, is one of the most effective and widely used options on the market for treating erectile dysfunction, or ED. As with other erectile dysfunction medications, Cialis is available in a variety of dosages. One of the most common forms of Cialis is a 20mg tablet, which is designed for […]


新加坡很多年轻人为了刺激,不是萎哥也吃伟哥! 据《海峡时报》向8名医生了解,发现有很多年轻人因好奇而尝试伟哥等壮阳药,有人甚至把壮阳药当成行房必备,没有它就不行房。 一些年龄不到30岁的小伙子爱上壮阳药,是因为觉得壮阳药能让他们更好地享受性爱,甚至一晚干几回。 一名29岁也服食伟哥的青年说∶“没有伟哥的性爱好像很没劲。” 很多年轻人相信,“蓝色小药丸”能让他们充份享受性爱,所以这名男子说他每次做爱时,都服用伟哥。 不怕吃上瘾 他也表示不怕吃上瘾,也坚持自己没上瘾。他认为,只要不服食假药,或过量服食,就不会有多大的问题。 28岁的约翰则表示,他服食伟哥,是出于好奇,但在发现吃伟哥表现更好时,就不愿放弃。 他说,他只要告诉医生说他有“焦虑”问题,就能得到伟哥。