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A large part of an Hong Kong man’s confidence is based on their ability to sustain a loving and fulfilling relationship with their partner. However, for some men in Singapore this is a difficult task due to having issues with erectile dysfunction. These issues then lead to men having lower self-confidence and can also lead to issues within their relationship.

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In Singapore, there is a very high level of erectile dysfunction within the country. It is believed that within men over the age of 40, around one in five men are affected at some point by ED, and as high as one in ten men have a very high level of ongoing erectile dysfunction. This means that these men are unable to get an erection at all, which can be a very difficult condition for a man in Singapore to live with.

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The statistics for erectile dysfunction are quite alarming, showing the very real necessity for reliable and trustworthy treatments. Currently, the affected age groups over the age of 40 experience between 13-69% of men experiencing issues with erectile dysfunction. Here are the figures:

  • 13.1% of 40-49 year olds
  • 33.5% of 50-59 year olds
  • 51.5% in 60-69 year olds
  • 69.2% of 70-79 year olds

These figures for the prevalence of erectile dysfunction amongst Singapore men from the age of 40 over are quite high, especially when compared with other countries around the world. This may be due to many health and lifestyle factors, such as smoking, depression, chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and also it may be due in part to the more sedentary lives that Hong Kong men are living. Around 80 per cent of cases in Hong Kong are due to physical causes such as the afore mention causes. Therefore, there is a real need for men to monitor for erectile dysfunction and treat it as necessary to avoid any ongoing physical or psychological issues from it.